Wednesday 21 February 2018

My Interview on Caste System & Muslim Community in India by Natalia Zajaczkowska, Student of University of Lodz, Poland

Natalia Zajaczkowska, student of University of Lodz, Poland graduated in Political Science & International Relations. She has been researching on Caste System & Muslim Community in India under Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz, Poland. She has been publishing interview soon in her Research Papers. In the below section, i have posted same interview.

Click here to read interview:-

Monday 19 February 2018

What is mean by Ethics?

Ethics is defined as set of standard/rules/regulation/moral principles that guides human behaviour and his actions
It helps an individual to distinguish his right and wrong deeds in order to attain happiness in life.
The word ethics is derived from Greek word ethos meaning customs, traditions, habit etc.
Image result for Ethics

Source of ethics:-
Family: They are the first institution that teaches us to respect others.
Society: Putting a set of standards that guides our action.
Inner belief/ Conscience: Helps us in distinguishing our good or bad deeds.
Friends: Habit of sharing, feeling of brotherhood.
Working Environment: Responsibility, Management, Dealing with uncertainties, Discipline etc.

Use of ethics:-

It helps in providing a moral map which helps one to reach to an ultimate solution in the conflicting situations. 
By following ethical principles, one can attain peace and stability in his life. 
It helps individual to distinguish what is right & wrong and arouses one's conscience that guides his/her actions.
Strengthens Individual Tolerance power, disciplinary approach, arouse feeling of empathy, compassion etc.

Relationship between ethics and human actions 

Humans, being rational, derive their thought and idea for a solution through deliberate thinking. Ethics help in building thoughts which in turn reaps into action.
There is deep correlation and interdependence in ethics and human actions. Ethical philosophers have described it as: – 

Consequentialism – 

If the consequences of human action are good then the action is said to be ethical otherwise not. For example, giving money or food to beggar
Act based – 
Many argue that human action in itself is ethical irrespective of consequences. For example, speaking the truth. One should always speak irrespective of consequences.
Character based – 
Ethics help in building character and if the character or virtue of a person is good then his actions will also be shrvankumar ,lord ram of ramayana
knowledge based ~ 
human act acc to knowledge of what is wrong and what is right for actions eg.child throwing phone in water is not unetical because he is unknown of that consequences
Intention or motive – 
Human actions might result into bad consequences but if it is done with good intentions then the action is said to be ethical without consequences. eg giving polio vaccine but sometime it may cause polio.

There is strong relation between ethics and human action as human is a social being and their actions will have impact on others. One should always think all ethical angles before taking final action.

Thursday 15 February 2018

Caste System in India.

              Before making any conclusion on the caste system, first we should have a deep understanding of caste system. What is a Caste System? Caste system is an undemocratic way of discriminating among people. In India it refers to the ancient division of society into different groups based on their occupation. Later this transformed into division based on the birth of individual. Caste was voluntarily declared system by our own forefather - A self-declared system. Indian constitution allows Democratic Caste System.

              Origin of Democratic Caste System in India started after the Independence. After the independence there were so many weaker sections, which were economically & socially poor, so to mainstreaming them with other upper caste section, Government of India came with democratic caste system. It differentiated people in various castes Like Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribe, Other Backward Classes. This is the reason behind the origin of democratic caste system.

              Caste System brings some Positive points & advantage to society in India. Caste acted as a trade union and protected its members from the exploitation. It Promote political stability & promote economic development. It Provide social security and social recognition to individuals. Like choice in marriage, health insurance benefits. It handed over knowledge and skills of hereditary occupation of a caste from one generation to another.

             Despite there are many negative aspects of Caste System in India. Caste system is bad because - it divides people from birth, it never unites. Caste system promotes the monopoly of upper caste & creates hatred against upper caste in the mind of lower caste, which ultimately divides society all together.  Caste system discriminate in economic & educational opportunities, it favor lower castes and made injustice with people of uppers caste having merits. Political influence of cast system in National Elections is harm for democracy. Marriages in the same caste and relations increase the chances of genetic disorders. In India there are some castes with very less people left in their community. So, in those cases, marriages among first/second cousins are very common. Thus making more prone to genetic disorders
As per my knowledge, solution for Caste System is, replacing the existing system with income based system.

                In India Reservation on the basis of caste is often very controversial topic. The question is whether Reservation on the basis of caste right or wrong?. In my opinion reservation on the basis of caste or religion is totally a false thing because there are too many peoples from the lower caste who are living a well luxury life and many peoples from the upper caste who are living in the very drastic condition below the poverty line.
Reservation does not allow equal chance as it is based on caste rather than merit. Reservation should be done on the basis of current situation and not on what has happened in the past. Reservation on the basis of caste is not appropriate in the current world because it is the world of Globalization where opportunities are given on the basis of skills and not on the basis of caste
                Solution for Reservation by Caste System is, Reservation should be on the basis of economic wealth rather than Caste System.

Post by - Mayur Dhokchaule