Saturday 9 April 2016

When god blesses you financially, Don't raise your standard of living... Raise your standard of GIVING ! .

When god blesses you financially, Don't raise your standard of living...Raise your standard of GIVING !..You know... meaning of above lines, i actualy realised in this week, when i had joined one NGO & some social groups & have been working with them....
Agenda of work is to reaching the govement policies and initiatives towards ppls to overcome disaster like drought and famine, which is going right now in country and specialy in Maharashtra as well !
Basically, policies and program includes govt subsidy for water saving initiatives like constrctn of little dams and tanks, food safety...
Yet, i have met so many ppls, specialy of rural areas, villages... to be honest, feelng so painfull for them...ppl are nt getting food for two times...water is common & major problem everywhere , women are walking for miles of distances and carrying water in thr pot...
Well, i think we all of educated youth are building block of our nation so its our social responsibility to help the poors in situation of drought & famine...
So please help to poor people as much u can, alteast in food & meal specialy to hungry beggers who stands infront of temple, so instead of donatation or to purchase some prasad for god...invest that money for the food to those of peoples ...
If you have knw about extra foods, which usualy remains in marriages or in othr functions then contacts nearest Orphan places or asharms & send it to them...
Last one is, Save the water & insist to other for same and if you found any animal like cows on road please help them in drinking water with nearst water resource..
Trust me, if you ll do these things, you will feel proud on yourself !
-Mayur Dhokchaule

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