Tuesday 3 May 2016

Madness of Parents regarding their Children's Education & Depression of Students...!

Whenver I hear about a suicide case like few days back happnd in Kota, or regularly we has been seeing in Engineering or Medical 

Students,I ask myself this question: why is our society so habituated with Engineering & Medicine? Why is an Engineering graduate
ranked higher than a Social Science graduate? Every field having their own Importance whether it is art, commerce or science then 
why their is so discrimination between Graduates of all Fields.
Do we need so many Engineers in a country..., which has no manufacturing to speak of & where almost all technology is imported?
Today, more than ever we need Social Scientists - Journalists, Psychologists, Sociologists, Political Scientists & Historians... Every field of Students are Needed. 
If it's a question of jobs then there is no dearth of jobs if you have a little bit of imagination & creative flair...  
If you are intrested in singing go and be a Singer rather then being an Bad Engineer...
If you can write you can be a content writer...
If you can cook or bake, you have a bright future as a baker...
If you are a guitarist you can make a living out of playing gigs at ever expanding restro-bars, college festivals, etc. 
Even i m an engineer bt i m hvng intrest in public job, social work to help ppl so i hv changed my career and area of intrest in civil services and preparing for #UPSC exam...
At a time when traditional Engineering & Managerial jobs are shrinking but other jobs are multiplying, 
I see no reason why a parent should send his kid through this depressing assembly line of IIT & IIM coaching sweatshops...
When will this middle class madness stop?

-Mayur Dhokchaule

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