Friday 18 November 2016

Demonitisation -Implementation is total failure, which is in turn failure of bureaucracy and politicians and RBI.

Demonitisation of India Currency

Let believe Demonitisation of the Indian currency is the historical move against corruption. No doubt it will boost deposit base and savings. But ground reality is so different. As Rs 500 and 1,000 notes can no longer be used for transactions in currency causing inconvenience & great financial crisis on middle class of the country.

Yes we should support the Demonitisation, because everyone wants corruption-less country with smooth and transparent services which are being victims of corruption. However good this policy is, the implementation is total failure, which is in turn failure of bureaucracy and politicians and RBI.
Till now 25 people died in bank lines, its failure of implementation of Policy. We should understand making of any govt policy or scheme is for the benefit of the peoples & to enhance peoples life standard. Policies are always for the people, people are not for policies.

After 10 days of my cashless transaction, today finally i had went to bank for depositing some money in my account at our home branch of SBI. It was Friday. OMG such a crowd i had never seen in bank before. Their was no place to stand, just outside the bank gate.

I was so disappointed by seeing some totally helpless aged mans and women's, who were illiterate. Me and some volunteers helped them for filling the deposit and withdraw sleep and offering water at queue.

After talking with some peoples which were with me in queue i had understands their need and how money is important for them at this time only. From today banks are allowing only 2000/- to withdraw. This is common sense how a common can man serve his family with 2000. And if you say he can withdraw 2000/- on next day or 24000/- in week as govt declared, but point is people also have their own work. Everyday they can't come in the bank just to withdraw 2000/- . On this moment i had realised govt totally failed to handle the situation and to implement this scheme.

The big fish don’t keep cash. They have Swiss banks and they can also transfer their cash to foreign tax havens via hawala agents . Small traders and property dealers will only lose money. Which they will anyways recover from public by increasing prices. It will now require half the space to store black money in denomination of 2000.

Some expect saying, Demonitasion will increase growth in GDP. Yeah will see what happens in economic and GDP growth but ground reality is, on this circumstances people not getting food for 2 times, they are standing in queue for hours, almost for half days and in some cases for full days. At this moment who cares about GDP? What people need is basic facility and services which they deserve.

The conclusion is that only small fishes of black money would get caught but big giants will be saved by their protector. You know everyone knows that black money is converted in other forms such as gold and shares or property then how will such converted black money be returned. People saying they hate this decision as it had caused inconvenience to them and their family and many others too.

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