Monday 30 October 2017

Life is ... ?

Every human being has some sort of genius, but they destroy it by trying to be like someone else... YOU should have courage to be who you are....because every single person deserves to be exactly who they are, and be accepted for that... So, always remember to nurture, empower & thoroughly cherish your inner child... If you work hard and meet your responsibilities, you can get ahead..., no matter where you come from, what you look like, or who you love...

Never take life seriously, Nobady gets alive anyways... So spend time with people you love. Talk to strangers for hours.... If a place is calling you, travel to it if possible... Consider every sunset a masterpiece... Smile because your mouth has the ability to... Break your habits because you're capable... We are here for a short amount of time and what matters after that is what we lived for, so I hope you are making every moment count... For yourself... Stop and smell every single rose...
Well, its sad to see people discouraging others on their path, sad to see the lack of support and compassion humans have for one another... When someone walks out of your life when you really need he/she, let them go. They are just making more room for someone better to walk in!!!  The best way to show your Maturity is, how you ignore stupid peoples... 
Thank God for the small things... Don't be ashamed of your goals, and make sure the one your reaching for is what your heart and soul, not mind desires... Love yourself, Always Forgive, Harm no One, Do Good, Be Positives....these are some significant MANTRAS for good life... so grow grow grow... Be patient! Your days are not far...
I was a little jumbly with my words but it's from the heart. Hope I get the chance to speak on this more often, and help in any way I can...
Lott's of love....


  1. Haan bahot jaan gaye ho life tum ....#mayur

    1. ji Aalia ji. Waqt sab kuch sikha deta hai
