Monday 5 November 2018


Live your life today as most people won't, so you can live your rest of life as most people can't... If you want to do something, its only you who know what you want to do.. And nobody owes it to you, not a single person... Doubts kills more dreams than failure ever will... So, once you trust something that has worked in the past for many, trust it and follow it. Finally what matters is you and only you... The more you sweat in peace the less you bleed in war...
Image result for self confidence

Normally when things becomes easier, people becomes easy... When everything seems to be going against you, remember the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it... Biggest truth of life which anybody will suggest you & which i have realized is, People will never start to accept you or respect you and you can't create your own space in society, unless you don't have something different from others... Success gives you authority to convenience people... 

Meanwhile, keep the professionalism & the perfection in your work... Dedication & patience should be must in your nature if you want to fly on high... If you know 2% about something, then the next best shouldn't know even 1%... Be a financially independent... Money can not buy a happiness but money can bye bye sadness... Love is rooted in respect... To take a respect from society, family, friends you should be financially, emotionally independent... You can not possible love a person whom you don't respect... So, to be interesting, you have to be interested...

Yet, one thing which is required from you is that apart from your hard work, be very honest and gentle in nature... Don't think bad of others... Don't be jealous or don't curse anyone... Let people speak against you, let people curse you, let people laugh at you and let people have negative opinion of you, ultimately what will matter is your end result...

If a person is good at heart and conscience and hardworking then on this earth all forces would combine to provide him or her all the success... Just be patient and calm... Don't panic...i personally believes that actions speaks more than words.. So, keep moving toward your goal and have selfconfidence...

Thanking You 🙏

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