Sunday 25 March 2018

Be the change you wish to see in the world

When you try to give your best of best for your goals, yet there is always a chance of failure... So i think it's important that you must like whatever you are doing, because it will gives you energy to bounce back in the case of failure... But when works on the things you really don't like from heart, there a big chance which would lead you to leave that work in the case of single failure... 
Image result for dream

Irony is, Log Kya Kahenge has killed more dreams than anything else... People, who judge you & tell you that you are wrong or mad, don't panic, you are not here to live their characters... you are here to tell your own story, to live as you want, to act as you wish... Stay away from negative people around you, those are real life virus and bacteria's for you... 
Don't let your fears become boxes that enclose you, open them out, feel them, and turn them into greatest courage you are capable of, i promise you.. nothing will wrong...but if you live by your fears, everything that can possible wrong, will go definitely wrong... The degree to which you are focused in good direction that will turn you into succeess...
People around you will often demotivate you or demoralize in your struggling phase & you will be let down by it ... They will either doubt on your efficiency or will not accept your supremacy... But it's the end result which will show who is efficient and supreme... Work in silence & let success make noise for you ....
Come out from your Comfort zone. An aeroplane at land and ship at coast, both at there safe zone are useless. But an aeroplane gets a value when it cuts the wind & fly in sky and Ship gets a value when it cuts the ocean currents & travels in deep ocean. So if you are finding Safe or Comfort zone for you then no one will care you... Believe in yourself, take a opportunity to fight against your goal, then whole world will start to respect you. Don't excuse. Locks are never manufactured without a key. 
Once you believe, there is something in your life that you really really likes, focus more on that  without outcome of failure and make it your strong point.  Once you trust something that has worked in the past for many, trust it and follow it... Be focused with vision, craft and sensitivity... Follow  your dreams & always keep your soul alive... Be the change you wish to see in the world...

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