Thursday 1 March 2018


Living without expectation makes every moment larger than life. God has created everyone with some sort of unique qualities... So, don't compare yourself with others, if you do, you are insulting yourself... If a person is good at heart and conscience and hard working then on this earth, all the forces would combine to provide him/her what they actaully desired. Just be patient & calm..
Image result for way of life

Sometimes, people start to judge you without knowing your efficiency & knowledge... Their words will hurt to you, they’ll get to you internally and make you think about yourself in ways you know you shouldn’t. So that time, silence is the best answer of all questions and smile is the best reaction in all the situations. Best way to show your maturity is how you ignore the stupid peoples.
When your time is GOOD, your mistakes are taken as Jokes.. BUT When your time is BAD even your jokes are noticed as a Mistakes. And at this point you realises that, success come from experience and experience come from bad experiences... When things goes against your heart, its hard to accepts it... But we should understand that, life is a compromise between your feelings and reality at every stage you have to quit your feelings and accept the reality! 
Follow your dreams & always keep your soul alive...motivate yourself for the activities which ll inspire you... Develop a ability to live with your own authentic truth, stand for what you believe in, and speak even when you told to be silent. This is YOUR life and you only get one. Live your best and most joyous life. give to spirit and spirit gives back... explore & express yourself.. 
And this is a way i am living my best life till the next life.
I hope at the end of each day, you find something to be proud of yourself for, no matter how big or small.
So grow grow and grow..✌

-Mayur Dhokchaule

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