Wednesday 7 December 2016

Jayalalithaa- an inspiration to millions

J. Jayalalithaa, Apart from politics she stood up as a inspiration to many women's not only in Tamil Nadu but also to the world. The best of the fighter that a women can be and the immense power to be handle under that smile. 
She lives in hearts of many and stands as an inspiration to millions :)
I looked up to her not just as a Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu but also as a power full women who made sense to the name and gender (Women).
I'm not #Amma supporter or fan. Here my support is to the women who stood against the most powerful people around and defeated them.
May her soul rest in one to replace her :) 


Friday 25 November 2016

Dr. Manmohan Singh Speech in Rajya Sabha

Dr. Manmohan Singh​, one of the greatest Indian economists of recent times, who has been an former RBI Governor,Finance Minister and 2 term PM, rightly criticized Modi govt and demonetization.


He remarked that the GDP of the country could shrink by 2% points due to the way it has been implemented and  the demonetisation of high value currency notes has caused great distress to the common man of the country. What @Dr. Manmohan Singh said is nothing revolutionary, but what we learnt in the basic Economics. His words are succinct, studied, and based on observations that no one can dispute at this hour.
I am completely agree with the speech. This is exactly what we need, a logical and pragmatic discourse between the Government and the opposition. The best part is he spoke without reading and were his own thoughts.  No matters which political party he belongs but i simply believes in him just because Collective IQ of all modi cabinet is still low than Dr. Manmohan Singh
In the simple words Dr. Manmohan Singh is most respectable finance minister ever, know more economics than BJP all together.  For  a long time even I thought that this person i.e. our former prime minister doesn't know how to speak but after keenly listening to himat various occasions, I now think that 'People with great minds don't speak much'.
If the Modi Government had even 10% understanding of the Indian economy that Dr. Manmohan Singh has, they would have not gone through with this move. Best Question he had raised to modi was "I would like to know from the PM, names of any countries he may think of where people have deposited their hard earned money in banks but are not allowed to withdraw it..."
Watch his speech-
Relevant issues he had raised during his speech was, "The way Demonetisation has been implemented, it will hurt the agriculture sector, small industry and people in the informal sector. Demonetisation is case of organised loot and legalised plunder. Till now 60 to 65 people have lost their lives"
Congress is definitely corrupt party, but we have to believe that this guy is true intellect & one of the best economist in the world. He has avoided the worst economical circumstances of 1991.The time when no country had succeed to do so. Whenever he speaks he  makes complete sense. Whole world listens when Dr. Manmohan Singh speaks said by Barack Obama​. Even jaitly went to his house regarding advice for government budget. He is the most qualified prime minister ever in the world but sadly politics of congress degraded his image

Friday 18 November 2016

Demonitisation -Implementation is total failure, which is in turn failure of bureaucracy and politicians and RBI.

Demonitisation of India Currency

Let believe Demonitisation of the Indian currency is the historical move against corruption. No doubt it will boost deposit base and savings. But ground reality is so different. As Rs 500 and 1,000 notes can no longer be used for transactions in currency causing inconvenience & great financial crisis on middle class of the country.

Yes we should support the Demonitisation, because everyone wants corruption-less country with smooth and transparent services which are being victims of corruption. However good this policy is, the implementation is total failure, which is in turn failure of bureaucracy and politicians and RBI.
Till now 25 people died in bank lines, its failure of implementation of Policy. We should understand making of any govt policy or scheme is for the benefit of the peoples & to enhance peoples life standard. Policies are always for the people, people are not for policies.

After 10 days of my cashless transaction, today finally i had went to bank for depositing some money in my account at our home branch of SBI. It was Friday. OMG such a crowd i had never seen in bank before. Their was no place to stand, just outside the bank gate.

I was so disappointed by seeing some totally helpless aged mans and women's, who were illiterate. Me and some volunteers helped them for filling the deposit and withdraw sleep and offering water at queue.

After talking with some peoples which were with me in queue i had understands their need and how money is important for them at this time only. From today banks are allowing only 2000/- to withdraw. This is common sense how a common can man serve his family with 2000. And if you say he can withdraw 2000/- on next day or 24000/- in week as govt declared, but point is people also have their own work. Everyday they can't come in the bank just to withdraw 2000/- . On this moment i had realised govt totally failed to handle the situation and to implement this scheme.

The big fish don’t keep cash. They have Swiss banks and they can also transfer their cash to foreign tax havens via hawala agents . Small traders and property dealers will only lose money. Which they will anyways recover from public by increasing prices. It will now require half the space to store black money in denomination of 2000.

Some expect saying, Demonitasion will increase growth in GDP. Yeah will see what happens in economic and GDP growth but ground reality is, on this circumstances people not getting food for 2 times, they are standing in queue for hours, almost for half days and in some cases for full days. At this moment who cares about GDP? What people need is basic facility and services which they deserve.

The conclusion is that only small fishes of black money would get caught but big giants will be saved by their protector. You know everyone knows that black money is converted in other forms such as gold and shares or property then how will such converted black money be returned. People saying they hate this decision as it had caused inconvenience to them and their family and many others too.

Friday 30 September 2016

Work in silence & let success make noise for you..

On every path of your life, you faces so many worst experiences... People around you will often demotivate you or demoralize in your struggling phase & you will be let down by it ... They will either doubt on your efficiency or will not accept your supremacy... But it's the end result which will show who is efficient and supreme... Pain is temporary, pride is forever.
And the most influenced problem with almost all we have faces is, to find-out right people around us... We gives importance to one, who don't have its value or care in short they just don't deserve it... And in their chakkar, we ignore to one who has our importance.
Biggest truth of life which anybody will suggest you & which i have realized is, People will never start to accept you or respect you and you can't create your own space in society, unless you don't have something different from others.
One thing which is required from you is that apart from your hard work , be very honest and gentle in nature... Don't think bad of others... Don't be jealous or don't curse anyone... Let people speak against you , let people curse you , let people laugh at you and let people have negative opinion of you, ultimately what will matter is your end result.
If a person is good at heart and conscience and hard working then on this earth all forces would combine to provide him or her all the success... Just be patient and calm... Don't panic...i personally believes that actions speaks more than words.. So, keep moving toward your goal and have self confidence.
Work in silence & let success make noise for you .... Reply to those negative people will be given by your success not by your mouth
Never look back... Never listen to what others are talking or recommending.
Once you trust something that has worked in the past for many, trust it and follow it.
Finally what matters is only you and you. Show your best in area of your interest.
In the above post what concerns which i have raised & tried to put on front is what, i have learned in New Delhi in from Last 4 month.
Hope it will help you...
Enjoy !
-Mayur Dhokchaule

Saturday 16 July 2016

follow your dreams & always keep your soul alive... !!!

Don't let your fears  become boxes that enclose you, open them out, feel them, and turn them into greatest courage you are capable of, i promise you.. nothing will wrong...but if you live by your fears, everything that can possible wrong, will go definitely wrong...
Whatever it is pulling you back is not going the way, unless you stand & forcing all your own path in opposite direction... stop loosing and start moving ...
The actual meaning of life is, do not hide Urself & do whatever your heart wants to do...people, who judge you & tell you that you are wrong or mad, don't panic, you are not here to live their characters... you are here to tell your own story, to live as you want, to act as you wish... 
Remember, how many times you go wrongs, no matters how many times you fails, disperse, feel like this world against end every think will be right...and if that will be not right then tell yourself, this is not the end... picture abhi baki hai mere dost...
Follow  your dreams & always keep your soul alive...motivate yourself, do any activity which ll inspire i also used to do this, to make myself more confidant for kind of work i m doing and to keep focus on my vision, craft and sensitivity...
hope this ll help you  best luck ... !!!
Do what you love, love what you do... 
- Mayur Dhokchaule

Monday 9 May 2016

Indian Judiciary System And Law&Order

Indian court has 3Crore pending cases & also it has 45% empty vacancy seats of judges which are until not be recruited...
If we recruit all 45% vacant seat of judges & if 100% judges of all court seat togethr then thy ll need 35 years to solve all pending 3 Crore cases...
It means, Indian court have huge bunch of pending cases, this is reason whenever any person fill new petition in Court, it takes almost 15-20 year to complete that case...
Our indian judiciary system is so poor, whethr in USA finishing deadline of any case is 3year.., ultimately it has down crime ratio...
This poor judiciary is reason, Why people like Vijay Mallya has Stolen & ran with crores of National money...thy don't have fear and control of Law & Order...

So thr is huge need to improve our Law&Order and also change in Judiciary process...

-Mayur Dhokchaule

Tuesday 3 May 2016

Madness of Parents regarding their Children's Education & Depression of Students...!

Whenver I hear about a suicide case like few days back happnd in Kota, or regularly we has been seeing in Engineering or Medical 

Students,I ask myself this question: why is our society so habituated with Engineering & Medicine? Why is an Engineering graduate
ranked higher than a Social Science graduate? Every field having their own Importance whether it is art, commerce or science then 
why their is so discrimination between Graduates of all Fields.
Do we need so many Engineers in a country..., which has no manufacturing to speak of & where almost all technology is imported?
Today, more than ever we need Social Scientists - Journalists, Psychologists, Sociologists, Political Scientists & Historians... Every field of Students are Needed. 
If it's a question of jobs then there is no dearth of jobs if you have a little bit of imagination & creative flair...  
If you are intrested in singing go and be a Singer rather then being an Bad Engineer...
If you can write you can be a content writer...
If you can cook or bake, you have a bright future as a baker...
If you are a guitarist you can make a living out of playing gigs at ever expanding restro-bars, college festivals, etc. 
Even i m an engineer bt i m hvng intrest in public job, social work to help ppl so i hv changed my career and area of intrest in civil services and preparing for #UPSC exam...
At a time when traditional Engineering & Managerial jobs are shrinking but other jobs are multiplying, 
I see no reason why a parent should send his kid through this depressing assembly line of IIT & IIM coaching sweatshops...
When will this middle class madness stop?

-Mayur Dhokchaule

Saturday 9 April 2016

Article。。。very usefull for you guys。。。Must Read。。。

we are not happy with what we have, but all are stressed and not happy for the things we don't have。。。just after buying a new phone, we need another one。。。better laptop, bigger TV, faster car, bigger house, more money, and I mean, these examples are endless。。。the point is, does it actually worth? do we ever think if we actually need those things before we want them? after this, I was forced to think what I need and what I don't。。。
wen I see my father, he has a cell phone worth Rs 2,600。。。whenever I ask him to change the phone, he always says, "It’s a phone; i need this just for calls." & believe me; he is much happier in life than me with those limited resources and simple gadgets。。。 the very basic reason why he is happy with so little is that he doesn't want things in life to make it luxurious, but he wants only those things which are making his life easier。。。 it's a very fine line between these two, but after looking my father's life style closely, I got the point。。。he needs a cell phone but not the iPhone。。。he needs a TV but not the 32" plasma。。。
Ultimately it's a single life, a day gone is a day gone。。。 I believe if I am not happy tonight, I'll never be happy tomorrow morning。。。 I finally realized that meeting friends, spending quality time with your loved one's; spending time with yourself is the most important thing。。。 If on #Sunday you are alone and you don't have anybody to talk with, then all that luxuries life, all that money is wasted。。。

may be cutting down your requirements, re-calculating your future goal in the light of today's happiness is a worthwhile thing to do。。。 & always remember that you should have some targets to achieve in life。。。those targets might be smaller or bigger ones; that doesn't matter。。。 be ready to achieve them I myself trying to attain my own tasks these days。。。you know
what ? it makes my life quite interesting and am not at all bored 。。。

Likewise just go for it。。。make sure that your aim and achievement never hurts anyone in anyway. Life is just after all what we are making out。。。 Stay focused。。。 Good luck!。。。
Mayur Dhokchaule

When god blesses you financially, Don't raise your standard of living... Raise your standard of GIVING ! .

When god blesses you financially, Don't raise your standard of living...Raise your standard of GIVING !..You know... meaning of above lines, i actualy realised in this week, when i had joined one NGO & some social groups & have been working with them....
Agenda of work is to reaching the govement policies and initiatives towards ppls to overcome disaster like drought and famine, which is going right now in country and specialy in Maharashtra as well !
Basically, policies and program includes govt subsidy for water saving initiatives like constrctn of little dams and tanks, food safety...
Yet, i have met so many ppls, specialy of rural areas, villages... to be honest, feelng so painfull for them...ppl are nt getting food for two times...water is common & major problem everywhere , women are walking for miles of distances and carrying water in thr pot...
Well, i think we all of educated youth are building block of our nation so its our social responsibility to help the poors in situation of drought & famine...
So please help to poor people as much u can, alteast in food & meal specialy to hungry beggers who stands infront of temple, so instead of donatation or to purchase some prasad for god...invest that money for the food to those of peoples ...
If you have knw about extra foods, which usualy remains in marriages or in othr functions then contacts nearest Orphan places or asharms & send it to them...
Last one is, Save the water & insist to other for same and if you found any animal like cows on road please help them in drinking water with nearst water resource..
Trust me, if you ll do these things, you will feel proud on yourself !
-Mayur Dhokchaule