Tuesday 18 December 2018

Lighting in Darkness

Life is best when there is minimum pain and maximum gain. Life is all about having emotions because if there are no emotions there will be no excitement in the life and we all are here to multiply our excitement. But misplaced emotions only harms the growth. Why this so, because Emotion should became our strength not our weakness... 

A child who is afraid of dark has made fear of darkness assumed irrational proportional it is a life and therefore he refuses to enter into a dark, even when going into dark is an essential requirement for his growth. 
If there is dark at one side of tunnel and at another side there is a presence of light. So only when you pass the dark tunnel you will reach to light. 
This Child never see the light, because he is so unconscious & afraid of dark and that fear stops his mind to put steps towards light. It is an example of misplace emotion...
Now we can apply this logic in our Indian Politics. Our governance is big issue in India, because any party who has in power, they never see the light, they are so afraid of dark, means losing election. Seeing the light means taking progressive steps even when they know they will not won the next election. People are not a blind in this country if you take some progressive step, people will appreciate it. But any party which is in the power don't want to hurt their vote bank... 
If this vote bank culture will going on, we will never see a light, we will continue to be afraid of dark and our country will never grow... 

Monday 5 November 2018


Live your life today as most people won't, so you can live your rest of life as most people can't... If you want to do something, its only you who know what you want to do.. And nobody owes it to you, not a single person... Doubts kills more dreams than failure ever will... So, once you trust something that has worked in the past for many, trust it and follow it. Finally what matters is you and only you... The more you sweat in peace the less you bleed in war...
Image result for self confidence

Normally when things becomes easier, people becomes easy... When everything seems to be going against you, remember the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it... Biggest truth of life which anybody will suggest you & which i have realized is, People will never start to accept you or respect you and you can't create your own space in society, unless you don't have something different from others... Success gives you authority to convenience people... 

Meanwhile, keep the professionalism & the perfection in your work... Dedication & patience should be must in your nature if you want to fly on high... If you know 2% about something, then the next best shouldn't know even 1%... Be a financially independent... Money can not buy a happiness but money can bye bye sadness... Love is rooted in respect... To take a respect from society, family, friends you should be financially, emotionally independent... You can not possible love a person whom you don't respect... So, to be interesting, you have to be interested...

Yet, one thing which is required from you is that apart from your hard work, be very honest and gentle in nature... Don't think bad of others... Don't be jealous or don't curse anyone... Let people speak against you, let people curse you, let people laugh at you and let people have negative opinion of you, ultimately what will matter is your end result...

If a person is good at heart and conscience and hardworking then on this earth all forces would combine to provide him or her all the success... Just be patient and calm... Don't panic...i personally believes that actions speaks more than words.. So, keep moving toward your goal and have selfconfidence...

Thanking You 🙏

Sunday 22 April 2018

Alauddin Khalji - The Smart, Strong, Able and Brilliant administrator

Alauddin Khalji (1296- 1316) was a very smart, strong and able administrator who translate his thoughts into actions and meet his ambitious targets in very less amount of time.

He ruled Delhi Sultanate for 20 years. He was most powerful ruler ruled the Delhi Sultanate. He was the second ruler of the Khalji dynasty. He was the first Muslim ruler who established his empire in South India. He was very ambitious person who wanted to mark his name in History.

Alauddin Khilji saved India from a fate much worse than even his own oppressive rule that of the murderous Mongols, who tried to invade the Indian subcontinent six times during his reign as the sultan of Delhi, and failed miserably. Alauddin Khilji, for all his faults, actually saved the culture of the Indian subcontinent of that time which included Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, and Jain subcultures from enormous destruction of Mongols.

So we should thanks to his brilliance as a general, the quality, discipline, and bravery of his army and its commanders, and their superior military tactics.

Khilji is known for ground breaking reforms like Military reforms, His expansionary policy, Market control policy, turn coat policy & culture development. He made cultural contribution to India like Lai Minar, Jammat Khana Mosque, Siri Fort, Ala-e-darwaza.He had outstanding Military & stable Economy due to that during this era no single famine came in his empire.

In his Exapansion policy he made some attacks to expand his empire.
1299: Attack on Gujarat
1301: Attack on Ranthambore Fort
1303: Attack on Chittore Fort   (till date no mention of Padmavati in History)

Movie Padmaavat which is based on Novel "Padmavati " written in 1540 by Malik Muhammad Jayasi (1477- 1542) after 224 year of the death of Alauddin Khilji (1250-1316) and he was added so many imaginary thoughts to make it more fabulous. So all the things which is shown in Padmaavat Movie is not factual and it is false/misguided information. Also many modern historians including Gauri Shankar Ojha,a prominent Rajasthani historian,rejected this theory.

Actually, in 1303 Alauddin had attacked on Chittore fort to conquer the fort not for Rani Padmavati . During this time he heard about the beuti of Rani Padmavati, so after defeated Raja Ratan Singh he asked to see Rani Padmavati and he had just seen her in the Mirror. (this data is given many historicans).

This suggest that, Historical validity of any source written after almost 224 year of incident should not allow to believe on its purity.

Sunday 25 March 2018

Be the change you wish to see in the world

When you try to give your best of best for your goals, yet there is always a chance of failure... So i think it's important that you must like whatever you are doing, because it will gives you energy to bounce back in the case of failure... But when works on the things you really don't like from heart, there a big chance which would lead you to leave that work in the case of single failure... 
Image result for dream

Irony is, Log Kya Kahenge has killed more dreams than anything else... People, who judge you & tell you that you are wrong or mad, don't panic, you are not here to live their characters... you are here to tell your own story, to live as you want, to act as you wish... Stay away from negative people around you, those are real life virus and bacteria's for you... 
Don't let your fears become boxes that enclose you, open them out, feel them, and turn them into greatest courage you are capable of, i promise you.. nothing will wrong...but if you live by your fears, everything that can possible wrong, will go definitely wrong... The degree to which you are focused in good direction that will turn you into succeess...
People around you will often demotivate you or demoralize in your struggling phase & you will be let down by it ... They will either doubt on your efficiency or will not accept your supremacy... But it's the end result which will show who is efficient and supreme... Work in silence & let success make noise for you ....
Come out from your Comfort zone. An aeroplane at land and ship at coast, both at there safe zone are useless. But an aeroplane gets a value when it cuts the wind & fly in sky and Ship gets a value when it cuts the ocean currents & travels in deep ocean. So if you are finding Safe or Comfort zone for you then no one will care you... Believe in yourself, take a opportunity to fight against your goal, then whole world will start to respect you. Don't excuse. Locks are never manufactured without a key. 
Once you believe, there is something in your life that you really really likes, focus more on that  without outcome of failure and make it your strong point.  Once you trust something that has worked in the past for many, trust it and follow it... Be focused with vision, craft and sensitivity... Follow  your dreams & always keep your soul alive... Be the change you wish to see in the world...

Thursday 1 March 2018


Living without expectation makes every moment larger than life. God has created everyone with some sort of unique qualities... So, don't compare yourself with others, if you do, you are insulting yourself... If a person is good at heart and conscience and hard working then on this earth, all the forces would combine to provide him/her what they actaully desired. Just be patient & calm..
Image result for way of life

Sometimes, people start to judge you without knowing your efficiency & knowledge... Their words will hurt to you, they’ll get to you internally and make you think about yourself in ways you know you shouldn’t. So that time, silence is the best answer of all questions and smile is the best reaction in all the situations. Best way to show your maturity is how you ignore the stupid peoples.
When your time is GOOD, your mistakes are taken as Jokes.. BUT When your time is BAD even your jokes are noticed as a Mistakes. And at this point you realises that, success come from experience and experience come from bad experiences... When things goes against your heart, its hard to accepts it... But we should understand that, life is a compromise between your feelings and reality at every stage you have to quit your feelings and accept the reality! 
Follow your dreams & always keep your soul alive...motivate yourself for the activities which ll inspire you... Develop a ability to live with your own authentic truth, stand for what you believe in, and speak even when you told to be silent. This is YOUR life and you only get one. Live your best and most joyous life. give to spirit and spirit gives back... explore & express yourself.. 
And this is a way i am living my best life till the next life.
I hope at the end of each day, you find something to be proud of yourself for, no matter how big or small.
So grow grow and grow..✌

-Mayur Dhokchaule

Wednesday 21 February 2018

My Interview on Caste System & Muslim Community in India by Natalia Zajaczkowska, Student of University of Lodz, Poland

Natalia Zajaczkowska, student of University of Lodz, Poland graduated in Political Science & International Relations. She has been researching on Caste System & Muslim Community in India under Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz, Poland. She has been publishing interview soon in her Research Papers. In the below section, i have posted same interview.

Click here to read interview:- https://goo.gl/YXs562

Monday 19 February 2018

What is mean by Ethics?

Ethics is defined as set of standard/rules/regulation/moral principles that guides human behaviour and his actions
It helps an individual to distinguish his right and wrong deeds in order to attain happiness in life.
The word ethics is derived from Greek word ethos meaning customs, traditions, habit etc.
Image result for Ethics

Source of ethics:-
Family: They are the first institution that teaches us to respect others.
Society: Putting a set of standards that guides our action.
Inner belief/ Conscience: Helps us in distinguishing our good or bad deeds.
Friends: Habit of sharing, feeling of brotherhood.
Working Environment: Responsibility, Management, Dealing with uncertainties, Discipline etc.

Use of ethics:-

It helps in providing a moral map which helps one to reach to an ultimate solution in the conflicting situations. 
By following ethical principles, one can attain peace and stability in his life. 
It helps individual to distinguish what is right & wrong and arouses one's conscience that guides his/her actions.
Strengthens Individual Tolerance power, disciplinary approach, arouse feeling of empathy, compassion etc.

Relationship between ethics and human actions 

Humans, being rational, derive their thought and idea for a solution through deliberate thinking. Ethics help in building thoughts which in turn reaps into action.
There is deep correlation and interdependence in ethics and human actions. Ethical philosophers have described it as: – 

Consequentialism – 

If the consequences of human action are good then the action is said to be ethical otherwise not. For example, giving money or food to beggar
Act based – 
Many argue that human action in itself is ethical irrespective of consequences. For example, speaking the truth. One should always speak irrespective of consequences.
Character based – 
Ethics help in building character and if the character or virtue of a person is good then his actions will also be ethical.eg shrvankumar ,lord ram of ramayana
knowledge based ~ 
human act acc to knowledge of what is wrong and what is right for actions eg.child throwing phone in water is not unetical because he is unknown of that consequences
Intention or motive – 
Human actions might result into bad consequences but if it is done with good intentions then the action is said to be ethical without consequences. eg giving polio vaccine but sometime it may cause polio.

There is strong relation between ethics and human action as human is a social being and their actions will have impact on others. One should always think all ethical angles before taking final action.

Thursday 15 February 2018

Caste System in India.

              Before making any conclusion on the caste system, first we should have a deep understanding of caste system. What is a Caste System? Caste system is an undemocratic way of discriminating among people. In India it refers to the ancient division of society into different groups based on their occupation. Later this transformed into division based on the birth of individual. Caste was voluntarily declared system by our own forefather - A self-declared system. Indian constitution allows Democratic Caste System.

              Origin of Democratic Caste System in India started after the Independence. After the independence there were so many weaker sections, which were economically & socially poor, so to mainstreaming them with other upper caste section, Government of India came with democratic caste system. It differentiated people in various castes Like Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribe, Other Backward Classes. This is the reason behind the origin of democratic caste system.

              Caste System brings some Positive points & advantage to society in India. Caste acted as a trade union and protected its members from the exploitation. It Promote political stability & promote economic development. It Provide social security and social recognition to individuals. Like choice in marriage, health insurance benefits. It handed over knowledge and skills of hereditary occupation of a caste from one generation to another.

             Despite there are many negative aspects of Caste System in India. Caste system is bad because - it divides people from birth, it never unites. Caste system promotes the monopoly of upper caste & creates hatred against upper caste in the mind of lower caste, which ultimately divides society all together.  Caste system discriminate in economic & educational opportunities, it favor lower castes and made injustice with people of uppers caste having merits. Political influence of cast system in National Elections is harm for democracy. Marriages in the same caste and relations increase the chances of genetic disorders. In India there are some castes with very less people left in their community. So, in those cases, marriages among first/second cousins are very common. Thus making more prone to genetic disorders
As per my knowledge, solution for Caste System is, replacing the existing system with income based system.

                In India Reservation on the basis of caste is often very controversial topic. The question is whether Reservation on the basis of caste right or wrong?. In my opinion reservation on the basis of caste or religion is totally a false thing because there are too many peoples from the lower caste who are living a well luxury life and many peoples from the upper caste who are living in the very drastic condition below the poverty line.
Reservation does not allow equal chance as it is based on caste rather than merit. Reservation should be done on the basis of current situation and not on what has happened in the past. Reservation on the basis of caste is not appropriate in the current world because it is the world of Globalization where opportunities are given on the basis of skills and not on the basis of caste
                Solution for Reservation by Caste System is, Reservation should be on the basis of economic wealth rather than Caste System.

Post by - Mayur Dhokchaule